Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated
Join Us
Membership January 1-December 31
We invite you to join us as we develop the mission of the Federation. Chaffey Community RWF offers three types of Yearly Memberships.
Literacy Project
Our goal is to provide third grade students in our serving area with literature that not only ignites curiosity and imagination but also provides them with a chance to learn some of our nation's great history.
This year we are providing 5 schools with the Rush Revere Adventure Series, written by Rush Limbaugh. The schools are chosen by our Literacy Committee and are excited to get their books in the coming months
We volunteered at and supported rallies for many, many candidates including United State Senator William Knowland and George W. Bush. With great honor our own Maggie Stewart had the thrill of introducing candidate George W. Bush when he shared with the nation via television his plan for privatization of Social Security.
Our own Maxine Curtis led us to National recognition with her No Child Left Behind program which was presented throughout California to other Federated groups as well as our state Republican Party. Two of our leaders have moved up the ladder in the Federation: June Wallin went on to be our State President, and Kathy Brugger became National Federation President in 2014 and 2015.
We have not limited ourselves to being active in politics – we contine to reach out to help in our communities – through our fundraising efforts we have donated hundreds of backpacks to school children, shoes for needy children, assisted the House of Ruth, Pacific Lifelines and Foothill Family Shelter with toys for Christmas, food baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas. For the past several years we have presented third graders in many of our schools with their own Dictionary. We provide financial and inkind support to the USO, many of members volunteer their time there, and we support outreach to Wounded Warriors and other organizations which support our troops.
The NFRW established the Caring for America program to energize and encourage states and clubs to actively support and promote at least one existing community service program, or to initiate a new project to fill an existing need in the community.
The Caring for America program is based on the belief that problems can be solved most effectively through the generosity and combined energies of individual citizens.
The NFRW presents the Caring for America Awards every two years to recognize successful projects that demonstrate significant value to the community. This awards program is overseen by the NFRW Caring for America Committee.
Photo Gallery
We will make America strong again.
We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again.
And we will make America great again.
- President Donald J. Trump
Benefits of Membership
On October 10, 1950 Chaffey Community received its charter which included the cities of: Alta Loma, Montclair, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, and Upland. During the first ten to fifteen years our numbers grew until it boasted 460 members, all giving volunteer time to further Republican Party ideals and to help Republican candidates win elections.
In 1964, our club established a full time Republican Headquarters, our members staffed and ran the headquarters, with financial support pledged from other organized local Republican Clubs. This headquarters remained open year round for 27 continuous years. Also, in 1964, “The Trumpeter” was selected as the name of our newsletter, which is still being published today – 52 years later. "HollyBerry Happening", which began in the 60’s, is still our annual December Membership Event.
We have received both local and national attention for many of the efforts we have undertaken in working for the election of local, state and national Republican candidates too numerous to mention. We have walked door-to-door in our precincts for candidates and voter registration, tele-phoned precinct lists from throughout the county, licked and stamped thousands of candidate mailings, co-hosted numerous fund raisers with the San Bernardino County Party .
CCRWF Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship award, up to $1,000.00, is open to Republican Women who have completed 2 years of college by June of the current year and are on track to continue their education towards a Bachelor’s Degree. They must live CCRWF’s service are in the chartered cities of Alta Loma, Montclair, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, and Upland. Applicants are judged on scholastic achievement, community involvement, extracurricular activities, and an essay. The amount of the award and the topic may vary from year to year.
Caring for America